Quick Locks

core-holding-devices27Quick Lock is one of the products where maximum advantage of cam is used for concentric holding of the reel.

  1. Most ideal for sitting rewind where slippage is usual used for solving web tearing and stretching problem of plastic films.
  2. Better core contact compared to one point contact.


v      Bush: Bronze

v      Lugs: Alloy steel

v      Springs: Spring steel

Available Size:

  1. 3″ , 4″, 5″, 6″, onward
  2. as per requirement
  3. Width: 45mm, 75mm & 100 mm

Ball Lock:core-holding-devices28

Steel or Engineering Plastic body specially manufacture to act as gripper with Ball.

v      Usable for various differential shaft as replacement.

v      Designed for high speed and concentric holding.

v      Fully covered ball makes the dust problem almost nil.


v      Base: Allow steel & bronze & Engineering Plastic

v      Ball: Stainless steel

Available Size:

v      Core: 50mm, 70mm

v      3′ , 4″, 5″, 6′, & 8″

v      Width: 24mm onwards